Wednesday 2 October 2013

How Adult Students Developing a Professional Portfolio?

Adult students differ from traditional students. For this reason, they even have "non-traditional students." These students are generally older, at least a part-time job, a family. They are not looking for typical college experience coeducation. They are in school, they have to learn a new skill or trade, or back what we need education to promote their careers have experience, honed skills. For students who fall into the latter category, the combination of the development is a way to apply what they already know you have to select the program that could allow students to quickly complete their chosen program. This is also the way adult learners displayed on the program, which will help them in the job market, and to provide students the opportunity to participate in their education and assessment process and engineering projects.


The beginning of the development of adult learner’s combination, educators realized that adult students have different motivations and needs of traditional students. The traditional college students typically do not have work experience, explore their career choice. This differs from the students or adults who already have a career, or want to know your future career. Adult education, adult education teachers from teaching college lectures and students take notes, because in many cases, due to work and life experience of traditional methods have evolved adult students have a greater knowledge of the subject. To accommodate this situation, adult education courses are kinesthetic and hands, and less concerned about the traditional assessment methods, such as exams. However, from the traditional scoring changes mean new assessment methods developed and implemented a combination of teaching methods. Portfolios allow coaches to continue with the actual training, hand, as long as a real product to assess students.

Prior knowledge

Participation in adult schools to continue their education, often with practical work experience, can be used for college credit. To prove this point, some schools may require students to submit a portfolio - a collection of special items to complete part of their job functions. For example, who worked as a graphic designer, he returned to school to get a degree program, students can submit a portfolio of work completed. School administrators check the portfolio and decide whether the work can be applied to any college credits.

Completed Projects

The combination of adult learners will also include work done. Most large project course instructors will guide students in your investment portfolio, including completed projects. For example, you can guide students in the lesson plans, including the completion of the lesson plans in your wallet. Other items may be included in the portfolio included an article explaining why the student selection process, the test results required for comments and recommendations mentor. At the end of the program, students will have a working body; can be used as proof of experience to potential employers.For More Info :Open University in Dubai

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